var hwdBP // Local variable to store hardware breakpoint
var softBP // Local variable to strore software breakpoint
sti // Step into F7 command
findop eip, #61# // find next POPAD
mov hwdBP, $RESULT // Store $RESULT to hardware breakpoint local variable
bphws hwdBP, "x" // Set hardware breakpoint (execute) on the next POPAD
run // Run F9 command
findop eip, #E9????????# // Find the next JMP
mov softBP, $RESULT // Store $RESULT to software breakpoint local variable
bp softBP
run // Run to JMP instruction
sti // Step into the OEP
cmt eip, "<<
msg "OEP found, you can dump the file starting from this address"
Ollyscript Editor V2.0
Ollyscript Plugin V0.94 - ORIGINAL_README.txt - List of Ollyscript Commands by SHaG
ARTeam_eZine_Number2.rar - Page 36 - Writing OllyDbg Scripts, Buzifer of Team RESURRECTiON from ARTeam
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